
As one of the most professional lighting manufacturers, Sunnyxiao Sunlite's full spectrum sunlight simulation system can perfectly mimic natural sunlight, providing uniform and reliable sunlight radiation simulation, and is widely used in environmental simulation tests of aerospace equipment, and automobiles and rail transit vehicles.

With patented polyhedral reflection technology, illumination uniformity is effectively improved.

Our LED professional film lights are with variable focal lengths and reflectors manufactured from different materials and sophisticated surface treatment, multiple types of light distribution curves are generated, suitable for various testing scenarios.

Leading by metal halide lamps, which are of high power, high brightness, high color rendering index and long irradiation distance, the Filmlite series film studio lighting is catered for scenarios as high speed imaging lighting for collision of large vehicles and aerobats.

Integral magnesium-aluminum alloy structure, Filmlite series professional Lighting design is 30% lighter in weight than existing ones.

Professional Film Lights

Professional Lights

Professional Lighting

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